Despite the name, Fujiya & Miyagi are neither Japanese nor a duo. The electronic trio of singer and guitarist David Best, synth player Steve Lewis, and bassist Matt Hainsby are deeply indebted both to vintage '70s Krautrock and the '90s bands that were themselves influenced by the likes of Neu! and Kraftwerk, from Stereolab and Broadcast to Aphex Twin and the Orb.
Fujiya & Miyagi will be performing in Studio, on January 5th.
* The minimum age requirement is 18 for this event. Please bring your ID with you. * Venue holds the right to refuse your admission into the venue. Tickets will be refunded in such cases.
*Etkinlikte 18 yaş sınırı vardır. Lütfen kimliklerinizi yanınızda getiriniz. *Mekan uygun görmediği kişileri ön satış bileti dahi olsa mekana almama hakkına sahiptir. Biletlerin iadesi tarafımızca yapılacaktır.