Grup Ses : - Istanbul based Grup Ses project dates back to 2007 which at the time focused on v/vm style edits and breakcore infused mash ups. Starting from 2008 Grup Ses started to build a version of Stones Throw & Brainfeeder influenced beatmaking mixed with a touch of humour. A blend, including all kinds of local recorded material like records, tapes, radio broadcasts etc., which became the building blocks of signature Grup Ses sound. After 2016’s Alliance album, Grup Ses released ‘DeliDivan’, featuring Turkish MC/Producer Ethnique Punch from Souk/Discrepant Records and ‘Varyete’ another collaborative project with Elektro Hafız released from Zel Zele Records. New Grup Ses album ‘Beats from the vaults (2008-2021)’ released from Souk/Discrepant records on digital and LP with 10 bonus tracks. Grup Ses performed in various festivals such as Distortion (DEN), Le Guess Who 2012-2014 (NL), Milhões de Festa (POR), Off istanbul (BEL) and Other Futures (NL).
Ozoyo : - Ozoyo is a producer who is inspired by the rich textures of nature. The Istanbul-based artist started as a record collector, shortly thereafter started making and releasing music. He has released five EPs, a beat tape and a couple of singles. His fascination with the plant kingdom is also reflected in his music with sounds from nature and several genres that are organically mixed.
Granul: -Granul is a visionary producer and genre-fluid tech creator with a sound that delves deep into texture while carrying enough weight to place it firmly in sound-system culture. He integrates elements from old-school club music, hip hop, break, and left-field bass; his sound includes heavy and layered bass-lines, organic percussion, old-school breaks, and deep, thunderous dark matter. His intention is to meld old and new techniques, and AI algorithms, deep learning, and programming are the main elements of his sonic production. Granul perceives sound synesthetically; he visualises rhythmic, digital, and progressive sounds as geometric shapes. Sensory mutations are primary in his renowned audio-visual artworks born out of unique street data collected.
Fosil : - Fosil is an artist that eschews standard convention in favour of expanding his sonic palette - fusing elements of Left-field bass music, Experimental and Breakbeat into a sonic tapestry that is uniquely his own and he is also founder of Badmash. He is an artist that is helping to shape a key sound and cultivating the culture of the ever-evolving Istanbul underground scene and continues to upgrade his arsenal of dancefloor weaponry with a fresh batch of gloomy tunes that may be exported from Turkey, but are undeniably prepared to reshape the expanding global club sphere.
Gökalp K : -Gökalp K who has a collaboratively published LP with Savai from “Tektosag Records” and a solo album called “EP1 :bouncy buttons” will be on stage with his unreleased works after a long break.
3pillie : -3pillie istanbul’da yasamini surduren bir muzisyen/mc. Asil enstrumanı piyano olmasina karsin, yazdigi beatlerdeki ve bestelerdeki diger enstrümanları canlı kaydediyor. Muziginde caz, neo-soul ve hip-hop ogelerini barindiran 3pillie, Badmash'te uc sarkilik bir kisacalar ve sonrasina cesitli tekliler yayınladı. yeni cikacak albümü icin hazirliklarini surduruyor.
Howl : -Fed up with the conventional sounds, prejudices & hype-fueled sonic fanaticism of today's music, howl seeks harmony in seemingly contrasting musical ideas; takes her listeners on a dark, dynamic and densely layered aural journey with her DJ sets, meticulously crafted with a selection unbound by genre, tempo, gender, or whatsoever.
- 18 yaş altı katılımcılara alkol ve tütün ürünleri satışı yasaktır. - 18 yaş altı katılımcılara farklı renk bileklik uygulaması yapılacaktır. - Organizasyon ve mekan yetkilileri, etkinlik için uygun görmediği kişileri bilet bedelini iade etmek koşuluyla etkinlik mekanına almama hakkına sahiptir. - Etkinlik biletleri sadece organizasyon sahibi tarafından belirlenen resmi satış noktalarından alınmalıdır. Organizasyon sahibi resmi satış noktalarından alınmayan biletlerin sahiplerini Etkinlik alanına almama hakkına sahiptir. - Etkinlik süresince kayıt yapmak kesinlikle yasaktır. Etkinlik alanına profesyonel ses ve görüntü araçları (video kamera ve fotoğraf makinası vb.) alınmayacaktır. - Etkinlik’e katılan kişilerin fotoğraf ve video çekimlerinin tanıtım materyallerinde kullanım hakkı organizatöre ait olup katılımcı etkinlik’e katılarak bu hakkın kullanılmasını kabul etmektedir. - Organizatörün programda ve bilet fiyatlarında değişiklik yapma hakkı saklıdır. Etkinlik gişesi girişinde online biletinizi hazırlamayı ve biletinize uygun bilet kontrol noktasına girmeyi unutmayınız.