Baikal resides in Berlin and makes multi-layered electronic music for the heart, mind and feet. Preferably all at the same time. He has done so already on the first release for Maeve (a joint venture with Mano Le Tough and The Drifter), as well as remixes of Ian Pooley for Innervisions and Isolee for Tamed Musiq.
Baikal’s existence lies in the idea that the music itself, the abstract experience and the emotions it provokes should tell enough of a story to entertain you as the listener, and that the persona behind the artist is of lesser importance
* The minimum age requirement is 18 for this event. Please bring your ID with you. * Venue holds the right to refuse your admission into the venue. Tickets will be refunded in such cases.
*Etkinlikte 18 yaş sınırı vardır. Lütfen kimliklerinizi yanınızda getiriniz. *Mekan uygun görmediği kişileri ön satış bileti dahi olsa mekana almama hakkına sahiptir. Biletlerin iadesi tarafımızca yapılacaktır.