In Sanskritic language which has an ancient past of 4000 years, the word of "Tapas ( तपस् )" which comes from the stem "Tap" which etimologically means fire and burning; means self-discipline, catharsis and passion as well as rebirth by burning.
Tapas Performance Fest which brings together the different disciplines of performing arts by creating a dynamique energy accompanied by workshops, interactive activities, presentations, performances and music; with 4 different platform options which consists of Antique Stage, Performance Stage, Project: Open Stage and Art Gallery offers a peculiarly new festival experience by turning the spectator into an active participant.
Tapas Performance Fest which brings together art and entertainment in the nature, invites you to be a part of this fiery performance for 3 days and 2 nights, in the valley which is in between the remains of Phokaia Ancient City, opening to Kuş Cenneti (Bird Sanctuary)!