22.09.2018 - Los Altos Istanbul - Ach! Union - Tickets | BUGECE

Ach! Union

cal22 September Saturday 2018, 23:00 - 22 September Saturday 2018, 04:00 (GMT+3)
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ACHPROJEKT is not slowing down. With their energy and environment apparent at events, their crew has been expanded. The new event of the group, Ach! Union will be held on Saturday, September 22th at Los Altos Istanbul, by saluting the historical peninsula with the best dance figures. The event will start at 23:00 with the warm-up of Emine Topal, then Aliço is going to take the desk with his amazing background and we will never give up dancing with indie beats of Günce Acı!


* The minimum age requirement is 18 for this event. Please bring your ID with you.
* Venue holds the right to refuse your admission into the venue. Tickets will be refunded in such cases.

*Etkinlikte 18 yaş sınırı vardır. Lütfen kimliklerinizi yanınızda getiriniz.
*Mekan uygun görmediği kişileri ön satış bileti dahi olsa mekana almama hakkına sahiptir. Biletlerin iadesi tarafımızca yapılacaktır.
Ach! Union
locLos Altos Istanbul, Firuzağa Mahallesi, Yeni Çarşı Cd. No:38, 34425 Beyoğlu/İstanbul
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