1 Eylül gecesi heyecanlandıran müziğiyle Highlite, Exonight Music sunumuyla Kastel Terasta🔥🔥
Moskovalı ikili Dmitry ve Junior durmak bilmeyen üretim süreçlerinin ürünü olan parçalarıyla listelerde başarısını sürdürürken aynı zamanda dünyanın pek çok yerinde iyi performanslara imza atmaya devam ediyor ❤️🔥❤️🔥
-The event is for participants aged 18 and over.
- It is forbidden to bring food and drink, cutting, piercing or flammable tools into the activity area.
-Event participants agree that photo & video shooting will be done in the event area.
- It is forbidden to insert professional video recorders and shoot without written permission.
- Care is expected not to be taken with non-professional devices that will disturb other guests and performers and violate the privacy of his private life. Shooting with flash is strictly prohibited.
-Organization and venue officials have the right not to allow people whom they do not deem appropriate to the event and backstage area.