Like any sound obsessive, Özcan Ertek splits his time between a number of different projects. At the top of the list are Eno-inspired ambient explorations under his soundcollage moniker, as well as the experimental electronic music he makes under the name Seretan.
From minimalist ambience to larger-than-life melodicism: Turkey’s sonic explorer Seretan will play live his new tracks from ‘Transference’.
* The minimum age requirement is 18 for this event. Please bring your ID with you. * Venue holds the right to refuse your admission into the venue. Tickets will be refunded in such cases.
*Etkinlikte 18 yaş sınırı vardır. Lütfen kimliklerinizi yanınızda getiriniz. *Mekan uygun görmediği kişileri ön satış bileti dahi olsa mekana almama hakkına sahiptir. Biletlerin iadesi tarafımızca yapılacaktır.